A free resource for carers everywhere
Who is looking after the health of our care workers?

The problem
The health and well-being of unpaid and paid carers in the UK is poor.
The very people, so many rely on in society are overworked, stressed and burning out.

The solution?
Care operators and human generosity can help…

The power of three...
Online resources for Carers to help them take 5 minutes for themselves. Tips & tricks.

Fitness & Health.
Wellbeing (mental/money)
Relaxation & Nutrition.
Therapists & practitioners offering free time to support Carers with their health.
Connecting with health practitioners and professionals who can help.
Encouraging Care operators to consider their teams health. Making a ‘Healthy Carer Pledge’.

A pledge to offer access to free meals, fitness, relaxation & therapies
The benefits
1. A healthier, happier and better supported care team – able to deliver really good care.
2. Local health therapists and practitioners doing good, as well as promoting their therapies.
3. Care operators can genuinely say they care for all their people. Residents, service users and staff.

Our goals
1. To support carers with the tools to think & act on their own health and wellbeing.
2. Encourage care operators to build a healthy & positive workplace culture.
3. To build community connections with therapists & professionals who want to support carers.

We would love your support. Can you help?
- Care operators who want to take action and pro-actively support the health of their care teams
- Personal trainers, therapists, nutritionists, practitioners to volunteer time or advice
- Carers who want to share their tips for taking 5-minutes for yourself, either at work or outside of work
- Any business associated with Care that wants to help in any way they can.